Foot Reflexology Certification Process
Prior to Applying for ARCB Certification you must complete:
1. Foot reflexology course of a minimum 200* hours of in-person, or in-person & on-line instruction (hybrid course).
Note: Anatomy & Physiology coursework may be through a credible school instead of your reflexology instruction.
2. Practical Instruction (hands on feet) must account for at least thirty (30) hours of the total 200* hours of instruction, and
3. Obtain a High School diploma or equivalent.
The Application process requires you to: ​​
1. Submit the Foot Exam Application form;
2. Pay the Foot Examination Fee;
3. Submit a transcript of your reflexology training and instruction;
4. Successfully complete the SOAP Note form sent to you from ARCB; and
5. Pass a background check.
Additional details below
Upon successful completion of
Step 2: Application:
1. You will be entered into the exam system with Prometrics (our 3rd party exam proctor).
2. Prometrics will contact you with details on how to register for a location, date and time in your local area.
3. You will have twelve (12) months from the date of the application to sit for the exam.